MDN Documentation

Angular JS

Angular JS can be used to create dynamic pages more easily. It allows you to create reusable components, and use two-way data binding to help with development. It is a rather large framework, so it might be a bit heavy for smaller projects, but it is owned by Google, so it has pretty good support.

Express JS

Epress JS markets itself as a lightweight framework that works with NodeJS. It can be used to build RESTful APIs, which can be used to share data.

Next JS

Next JS provides several tools for full-stack web development. Some of these include optimization and data tools, CSS assistance, and routing. It's a rather large framework, but it does include tools which will help to keep page load times low, such as only loading js and css files that are needed for the page.

Summary of Documentation

JavaScript frameworks can assist developers by creating functionality quickly and easily. The ease of use needs to be weighed against concerns like page load times. Frameworks are diverse and can help you do any number of things.